- better energyNuclear Batteries have 2x the energy density of CCGT’s and 30x the density of renewables such as wind or solar NBs can provide stable clean power on-site that does not need storage. the NB is effectively the source and “storage” device, charged by nucleonicsno fuel supplyNBs are the only energy technology that requires no continuous supply of fuel or resources to addition to being inherently more resilient than a pipeline and transmission based centralized technology, the NB advanced production system uses a fraction of the infrastructureless mass per MWheach Metric Ton per MWh has to be mined, processed, manufactured, shipped, and installed, all powered by Fossil. NB systems use 1/10th the metric tons of steel, plastics, and concrete when compared to NG systems. compared to renewables, the NB systems use 1/50th the resources
- in addition to a massive critical advantage in the resources required for NB energy systems, sea-level adaptation is impossible with current clean energy. marine construction requires fossil fuels. NBs are the only other option
in creating a clean robust energy-industrial system, we must use the fewest resources possible to their maximum effect to avoid making the problem worse
- early grids breached on-site growth constraints, enabling both the 20th and early 21st’s abundance & dangerous emergence. nuclear batteries remove on-site constraints and obviate the fossil grid’s raison d’être and risks
- Glaciers and ice sheets are in a state of incipient collapse. As climate volatility further effects weather patterns and global temperatures, the outlook is one of ever increasing change in the basic resources and ecologies that once made areas livable. From harbors to rivers to the glacial reservoirs that feed them the natural world has entered a state of unpredictable volatility in which many of our basic assumptions about growth, infrastructure, and industries are no longer valid.The Nuclear Battery paired with advanced production and modular adaptation technologies can allow human civilization to adapt to increasing volatility while simultaneously addressing Greenhouse Gas emissions and preventing further damage, which is increasing under the Fossil RE system
- modularity, “plug & play” interoperability, mobility, and adaptability define an NB enabled energy-industrial system. NBs combined with modular nano-networks, that can be assembled to any capacity, are the future