the need for sea-level protection is inevitable and is likely to occur much sooner than thought. estimates range in the trillions globally just to protect large coastal cities such as NYC or London. the remaining coast will suffer from inundation and erosion. many islands are already in need, presaging the coastal future
Fossil grid delivered energy, the primary driver for the 21st’s climate volatility, remains the energy source of global market growth and expansion. from resource extraction to processing to manufacturing to shipping to marine construction, without the Nuclear Battery, all growth & adaptation will be powered by the very Natural gas and diesel causing the problems
water will become scarcer as climate volatility increases. water scarcity is already a problem from the US Southwest to India. glacial reservoirs are disappearing, effecting every major country with cascading effects on resources and supplies. Las Vegas grew by 300% while its water resource shrunk by 50%. this is untenable
the world will need new arable land the size of North America if we continue our current energy supply and agricultural practices. the Nuclear Battery combined with advanced agriculture can not only supply the necessary food locally, but also reduce the need for irrigation and long range shipping for supply. localizing food production will build resilience
both markets and cultures encourage population growth irrespective of risk. the human population is outstripping resources that are shrinking due to the very economic activity the populations support. the only sure way to control population growth is by increasing the energy per capita and removing economic want and stress
our current energy-industrial-market structure breeds asymmetry, from income inequality to industrial capacity to the distribution of the basic infrastructure and the resources they utilize to supply modern civilization. these asymmetries both help induce the problems described above and amplify their effects