Nuclear batteries constitute a new type of energy system. One that needs no fuel pipelines. One that can provide a high standard of living and virtually unlimited energy or adaption capabilities anywhere on the planet from a small and mobile footprint

In and around 1960 the US built and deployed the first Nuclear Batteries. The USS Sturgis (a converted liberty ship) was the first NB powered ship. It safely powered the Panama Canal for 10 years. Other reactors powered research stations across the world. These batteries were before their time.

westinghouse eVinci NB
GE Aviation
When combined with advanced production, Nuclear Batteries invert the centralized fossil-grid’s market advantage, eliminating significant portions and resource needed for the current system and delivering clean abundant resilience to climate change and volatility across the globe on demand
"Those who came before us made certain that this country rode the first waves of the industrial revolutions, the first waves of modern invention, and the first wave of nuclear power, and this generation does not intend to founder in the backwash…;" JFK
To support long-duration expeditions to the surface of the Moon and Mars astronauts will need a reliable and continuous source of power to support many essential systems such as: transportation (electric vehicles), building construction (electric excavation equipment), water production (extracting ice from Lunar and Martian soil), fuel production (manufacturing methane fuel from the Martian atmosphere), and for daily living needs (lights, pumps, food preparation, waste disposal, etc). Transporting fuel from earth is too expensive and solar power will be inadequate as a complete solution. Nuclear batteries can meet all of these needs and more.